Top gifts for freedivers this awesome Christmas

Top Gifts for Freedivers | Best Gifts For Freedivers | DiveBud

Top gifts for freedivers is something that is hard to make up. What gift does a freediver want? What would they be happy to have as a gift? Since freediving involves holding a breath while diving it may seem that freedivers don’t have gear that runs off like the air for scuba divers. Despite that we prepared a solid top gifts for freedivers for this Christmas.

For this Christmas we recommend the following three items:

    1. Warm socks and gloves.
    2. New freediving computer DiveBud.
    3. New slim 0.5 weights.

Warm socks and gloves are going to be very helpful to your freediving friends this (in the northern hemisphere) winter and southern hemisphere summer. As the cold air comes from the north, water in the ocean (in the northern hemisphere) gets colder and divers start to shiver at the end of dives and would benefit from new socks or gloves.

Warm gloves generally are not a brainer gift for freedivers as it only requires knowing the size of your friend palms (small, medium or large). With socks, you want to know their feet size and current thickness they use so that it fits the foot pocket of their fins.

Gloves and socks don’t stay new for too long as they naturally through use start to have wear and tears all around them, so it is at the top of our top gifts for freedivers list. Freedivers always love to have a spare pair as these are the most lost items out of all freediving gear.

The second gear we recommend is certainly a new freediving computer – DiveBud. It is a small, easy to use and affordable freediving computer that will be universally useful for freedivers of different levels, salt and fresh water freedivers, deep and shallow water spearfishers and apnea underwater photographers. Inflation is hitting us hard this year, so order your freediving computer today and make a perfect gift for your freediving friends and family.

Top Gifts For Freedivers for Christmas | Best Gifts for Freedivers | DiveBud

The third freediving gear we recommend this Christmas which could be universal regarding the season are slim coated diving weights. Coated weights are much more convenient, they don’t leave marks in the pool during the freediving pool training and don’t rust and leave marks on your other freediving gear in the ocean. They are also quite universal and fit most of freediving weight belts. 


We hope you enjoy this top gifts for freedivers article and we wish you have a great Christmas and New 2022 year.